Talking about things before they become dangerous

Hi ! I’m 7h30th3r0n3, let’s talk about cybersecurity !
So You Want to Play ?
This is a CTF challenge carried out for a wargame event in French on the theme of the 1995 film Hackers, if you want to play download the ova, deploy it, the server give you the IP, and act as if it were a normal server, the goal is to retrieve the flag in the…
How to make a honeypot on raspberry pi fast
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, one tool that has garnered attention for its ingenuity and effectiveness is the honeypot. At its core, a honeypot is a decoy system set up to lure cyber attackers away from legitimate targets within a network. Designed to mimic real systems, honeypots act as sacrificial lambs—enticing hackers to interact…